
「青の祓魔師」ネタバレ考察 + α

【海外の反応】島根啓明結社篇 アニメ4話感想

※ この記事は アニメ 青の祓魔師 島根啓明結社篇 4話 の重大なネタバレを含みます



衝撃の展開に X のトレンド入りしたようです。
当時はたくさんの感想が流れていたそうなのですが、私は X にログインしていなかったせいで見逃してしまいました くそぉっ やってしまった・・・!
今日は MyAnimeList (MAL) から感想を一部ご紹介します。




MyAnimeList (MAL) とは英語圏最大のアニメコミュニティです。会員登録数1800万人。日々アニメに関する熱い議論が繰り広げられている場所です。


Dang that was one heck of a betrayal. Taking backstabbing to a whole other level with that one. Bit curious what would happen if Nemu actually wakes up though. The world may never know.
Getting to see Shima’s familiar in action was cool. The fact that he kept it a secret all this time makes me think of all the times he could’ve actually been more helpful.




Hell yeahhh, now things are getting interesting....

Nice introduction for illuminati and a fcking war?? lezzgo. I'ma say I actually believed that mephisto were the spy, and I definitely wasn't expecting pink hair dude to be that strong

And tbh, for the first impression, illuminati didn't look like "the bad guys". To unify again demons world with humans world maybe isn't a bad thing for Rin actually. OF COURSE, they've just been introduced into the story, and they're pretty likely very bad for humanity in general.... but you know... let's see

That opinion of mine is for sure very biased by how poorly vara cruz had treated Rin and Yukio, tho. I'm actually kinda hating them by now, and I honestly don't know how Rin isn't...... lol

Another thing, Rin is wayyy too ingenuous, damn

イエェェェイ! これは面白くなってきたぞ......

もうひとつ。燐はあまりにも純真すぎるんだよ くそっ


Okay it's going to take a bit of getting used to the fatter faces, but the VAs are killing it and things just kicked into high gear.
Holy plot twist betrayal, batman, I did not realized HE was the traitor!
Damn, why is Mephisto sending the team of 1st year trainees to get her back? Is it because they're expendable??

くそっ メフィストはなぜ、彼女を取り戻すために1年目の訓練生チームを送ったんだ?消耗品だからか?


Holy shit! Shima was a traitor all along! What a twist! Glad some random idiot online didn't spoil it for me.

Also, this seems to be a retrieval arc now, with Rin and co trying to get back Izumobitch and apparently Shima too?

But yeah, wow, it's been a while since I saw a huge twist like that in an anime. Assuming that Shima is a bad guy for the rest of the show, and was just pretending to be friends with everyone all this time. Will be pretty lame if he ends up redeeming himself, so personally hoping he is one of the bad guys all the way to the end after being a backstabber and fooling everyone.

Yep, already loving this more than season 2.



Talk about things hitting the fan!!! A huge episode, wow did that just flip this show on its head! Shima is the spy?!?! I never would've seen this coming. He's always been the class clown member of the group but now Shima is abandoning them all. When he first arrived to save Izumo I wasn't worried at all. Takara and his weird puppet were being very mysterious about their intentions and had Izumo cornered for some reason but Shima burst onto the scene to help. Kinda wild he of all people found them, like he knew where she would be and acted scared when her disappearance was revealed to trick everyone. Summoning that giant hell fire beast to help stop the enlarged toy robot Takara summoned. Shima stabbing Izumo in the back literally with his staff knocking her out. The Illuminati making their green entrance along with their lease Lucifer, the elder brother of Mephisto and supreme ruler of the demon world since Satan is gone. Trying to spread his message to as many as possible. Taking away Izumo right in front of everyone, so sad seeing their reactions to Shima leaving. Rin most of all feeling the shock, they've gotta rescue Izumo from the Illuminati.

大変な事態になった! 大どんでん返しのとんでもない展開だ!志摩がスパイ?こんなことになるなんて。




By all the saints, what a thrilling episode! Despite my confidence in Studio Voln, I still had some reservations about the adaptation of these chapters. The pacing has greatly improved and the studio has a much better grasp of the original work. This is strongly felt in this episode, which is quite simply the best in the series, by far. Voln has managed to crush my fears and exceed my expectations. Notwithstanding the consistently excellent music, the animation and da were top-notch. The excitement was there, even though I already knew the story. Shima and Nemu finally get the glory they deserve. Their fights, and the revelation of the traitor, were simply masterful. Nevertheless, nothing came close to matching the entry of Lucifer and Illuminati.

We've finally entered what can be considered the best arc of the manga. Far from a simple rescue arc, we finally get to know the intricacies of Kato-Sensei's world.
Prepare to be amazed and dazzled





Btw my comment last week was a bit misleading. Right now we are still in the Academy Seven Wonders arc. It goes from chapter 38 to 49. The first 2 episodes adapted 38-44 while cutting and rearranging a lot of stuff. Episode 3 adapted 45-47 with better pacing (there is still some skipped stuff). We still didn’t get to the actual Shimane Illuminati arc yet. So it’s not like they jammed 12 chapters into 2 episodes like how my comment last week made it seem. (Btw I really recommend reading chapter 44, there Mephisto breaks the 4th wall and talks to the reader, I think it’s cool.)
And as I mentioned last week, I’m anime only, I just read the manga along with the anime. (as in I watch the episode, then read the chapters adapted. So this whole season will still be new to me.)
The OP just gets better and better the more I listen to it. HONTOU NO BOKU WO! Sad that the full version comes out only in March, I want it now :(
Wtf no one told me Shima can be so badass
Unfortunately I was spoiled about Shima being an Illuminati spy, but the reveal was still unexpected. So the OVA from season 2 with Mephisto and Shima was foreshadowing this…
…holup, you’re telling me he was a spy this /entire/ time? What the hell, I thought he became one recently.
Google says “Seraphim are celestial beings that appear in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic literature. They are described as having two or three pairs of wings and serving as guardians of God’s throne.”
Renzo is Shima’s first name, that shout was really personal.
This is literally a world-level threat wtf
Things just got a million times more epic. Reminds me of AOT, we were fighting with demons up until now, but now it’s time to fight people. One of the best episodes in the whole series 100%

Googleによれば ”セラフィムは、ユダヤ教、キリスト教、イスラム教の文献に登場する天空の存在である。セラフィムは、ユダヤ教、キリスト教、イスラム教の文献に登場する天界の存在で、2対または3対の翼を持ち、神の玉座の守護者として仕えていると記述されている。"
それから レンゾーは志摩のファーストネームで、あの叫びは本当に個人的なものなんだ。

